Out of Love

Jarvis Avenue Church
3 min readApr 2, 2021
Mohamed Nohassi

God made the world and everything in it.

He is creator and master of heaven and earth.

He is not confined in any building made by man neither is he worshipped by the use of statues or anything made by man; He only is creator and gives life, and the ability to live to all and everything.

He has made all peoples of one blood on the earth, and has organised time and space in order that we should actively look for Him and find Him because He is not far; so it is not too difficult to find Him if we try.

It is through Him we have life, and can enjoy life and exist just as many writers have expressed poetically.

We are also His children made in His image.

So, because we are the children of God, we cannot think that God’s pure nature can be captured in art of any kind or any material, though gold, silver or any precious metal, stone, wood or gem made by people.

God in the past has overlooked our attempts to worship using idols because we were not informed of it’s wrongness.

But now He commands all people everywhere to be sorry and stop these acts.

This is because He has selected a day when He will look at all the wrong that people do, with His pure, holy mind which only accepts goodness, and put an end to all wrong doers and therefore wrong doing. He will do this via Jesus, who God sent us to show us the way to stop doing bad things and start doing things which God knows are right. Our wrong doing is sin/evil/badness, which God hates. Jesus did not sin and this is what we must try not to do.

Although Jesus did not sin he died as an example of sin/evil/badness, all things which are not Godly, and even death itself, being defeated and dying; a perfect sacrifice. And then God brought him back to life, and he is now with God, to demonstrate what God has planned for us if we leave behind the bad way of living, and follow God’s good way of living as written about in the bible, and demonstrated by Jesus’ life.

He told us about this from the beginning of creation; through chosen people; through Israel’s example of not always getting it right; but always a few tried and were rewarded with the promise of God sending Jesus; the only one who could perfectly demonstrate the right way to live through God’s love. And we will be with God just as Jesus is now, but in his kingdom on earth.

This is why Jesus, who is the son of God, perfectly living as God intended, was worthy to be the one who died that we might have that choice to be with God in His kingdom on earth at the end of all things. And because of his portrayal of God’s ways through the way he lived his life to God, God did not leave him dead without life, but resurrected him to everlasting life and to be king.

This is a simple outline of God’s plan and purpose for us, His creation. There is more detail to know…

Now that you know a little we have to make a decision: to keep living our lives as we do, in opposition to God ignoring His position as creator and provider of our lives and all we need, from our past, present and future. Or we can turn ourselves around to the right way, to follow God.

First, pray to Him believing that He is able to make everything better for us as individuals and all the worlds’ collective peoples, by His son Jesus Christ. He knows those who are sincerely looking and will help if we try. He will do this no matter what bad things we have done previously, as long as now we are trying to leave that behind and turn to follow Him with the aid of His son Jesus.

God is Love, and with love He created and provided the right way to save us through His son, and he wants to do this.

Faith Marriott



Jarvis Avenue Church

Jarvis Avenue Church is a community of Christians looking to best serve Jesus in the communities in which we live.